Tradelands Wikia
Tradelands Wikia
Blank cladifier

A blank cladifier sold at a Premium Merchant

The cladifier was introduced to Tradelands on August 27th, 2017. Cladifiers are used to modify the appearance of either the Neptune or Poseidon to match the material used.

In order to use a cladifier, 1000 of any same metal (or gem) of your choice is required. You may craft the cladifier by using a blank cladifier combined with 1000 metal in an anvil. Note: Level 10 is required to craft.

A blank cladifier costs 5000 Robux and may be purchased from any Premium Merchant. You may also obtain one by trading with any player who owns one.

To cladify, spawn the ship you wish to cladify. Then, hold out your cladifier which will then prompt you to despawn and then respawn for it to take effect.
