Tradelands Wikia
Tradelands Wikia

Ebony is a type of wood found in Tradelands. It is obtained by chopping trees with any Axe better than stone. Ebony is known for its rare tendency to drop, as well as it's black/navy blue coloration when used to create various ships and items in the game. On Valentine's Day, Ebony was replaced by Heartwood in the Premium Merchant.

When used to create items such as tools, weapons and ships Ebony will change the color of the wood to a black color. Items made of this material gains the "Mysterious" prefix. This does not apply to ships, however. If you see the profile of a sabre, you can see its an ebony-silver sabre.

Ebony is very popular as a sign of wealth due to its scarcity, and is used to make ships, weapons and cannons

As of 02/18/2021, Ebony has not returned to the Premium Merchant, eliminating easy access to the wood along with increasing prices and demand as a result. The wood is now becoming scarce on the market.

Combinations that go well with ebony:

See Also[]

Shade woods[]

Navigation Box
Ships Level 1 - 5 GoldfishMinnowSparrowLarkHeronKoiStarlingDartPelicanArrowBulletKestrelPheasantFalconMarlin
Ships 6 - 10 OrcaSharkMantaDragonMarauderGooseWidgeonBeaverOtterSerpentFoxStilettoCutlassTyrantBadgerPhoenixSteamfishAtlasAstraeusPrometheusOspreyRetaliatorKrakenPoseidonNeptune
Special Ships Super Steam fishMinnowCladCombat LogTitanGhostship
Tools AxePickaxeTorchSpyglassFishing RodOfficer's SpyglassLantern
Weapons DaggerShort SwordRapierSmallswordStilettoTomahawkSabreBattleaxeCutlass
Naval Weapons & Rare Weapons Balreskan LongswordBalreskan WarhammerHallengard Battleaxe • Hallengard Dagger • Whitecrest Halberd
Ranged Weapons Flintlock PistolMusket
Ammunition Round ShotFlintlock Ammunition
Materials Cast IronSteelGunpowderFish OilSteam Engine Parts
Resources - Wood OakMahoganyElmAshCherryIronwoodEbony Inyolan OakBlood OakGrimewoodAngelwood
Resources - Metals and Ores IronCopperSilverGoldPursteelEmeraldRubyAmethystSapphireSaltCoalElectrosteelIce
Accessories AbsAbs2Blackwind CapeSteam Engine PartsGhost PalHallengard CapeLantern ManNova Balreska CapeParrotVerdantine CapeVern CapeWhitecrest Cape
Items Loyalty TokensDoubloonsDyeVibrant DyeDull DyeFeatherstone
Consumables ChocolateHardtackProtein ShakeLime JuiceSalt WaterBlue Hardtack
Factions Kingdom of WhitecrestNova BalreskaHallengardBlackwind PiratesInyolaPurshovian FederationBurkelandVerner ExpeditionBalresk
Gameplay WindMerchantsTradelands TerminologyFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ)CargoShip RepairPvP ModeWarehouseTitleTrade RoutesCommandsElectric StormTradelands Roleplay

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