Tradelands Wikia
Tradelands Wikia

Ice is a resource introduced in 2017 that can be obtained by mining on non-spawn islands such as Fenwick, Freeport and Perth. It only is obtainable during the winter. The spawning rules are the same as Electrosteel (e.g, needing a specific pickaxe combination -- Angelic Electrosteel -- and a specific weather condition).  Ice appears similar to salt and having the same durability as Electrosteel. It has an additional effect that does damage over time, similar to that of Frosteel.

Obtaining Ice[]

In order to obtain ice:

  • There must be a snow storm (at night, during the winter) to be able to mine ice (pictured).
  • If there is a snow storm during the day, it is a gemstorm, consistent with all other seasons.
  • It can only be mined at non-spawn islands, such as Fenwick, Freeport, and Perth.
  • A Pickaxe combination of Angelwood and Electrosteel is required to enable a mining spawn table with ice.

    (Small snowflakes seen on the screen at night means snowstorm)


  • Ice, due to its seasonal rarity and overall difficulty to obtain, does not have much popularity among buyers. However, before the winter update arrives, a spike in prices of Electrosteel tends to occur, usually due to its necessity for mining Ice.

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Ships Level 1 - 5 GoldfishMinnowSparrowLarkHeronKoiStarlingDartPelicanArrowBulletKestrelPheasantFalconMarlin
Ships 6 - 10 OrcaSharkMantaDragonMarauderGooseWidgeonBeaverOtterSerpentFoxStilettoCutlassTyrantBadgerPhoenixSteamfishAtlasAstraeusPrometheusOspreyRetaliatorKrakenPoseidonNeptune
Special Ships Super Steam fishMinnowCladCombat LogTitanGhostship
Tools AxePickaxeTorchSpyglassFishing RodOfficer's SpyglassLantern
Weapons DaggerShort SwordRapierSmallswordStilettoTomahawkSabreBattleaxeCutlass
Naval Weapons & Rare Weapons Balreskan LongswordBalreskan WarhammerHallengard Battleaxe • Hallengard Dagger • Whitecrest Halberd
Ranged Weapons Flintlock PistolMusket
Ammunition Round ShotFlintlock Ammunition
Materials Cast IronSteelGunpowderFish OilSteam Engine Parts
Resources - Wood OakMahoganyElmAshCherryIronwoodEbony Inyolan OakBlood OakGrimewoodAngelwood
Resources - Metals and Ores IronCopperSilverGoldPursteelEmeraldRubyAmethystSapphireSaltCoalElectrosteelIce
Accessories AbsAbs2Blackwind CapeSteam Engine PartsGhost PalHallengard CapeLantern ManNova Balreska CapeParrotVerdantine CapeVern CapeWhitecrest Cape
Items Loyalty TokensDoubloonsDyeVibrant DyeDull DyeFeatherstone
Consumables ChocolateHardtackProtein ShakeLime JuiceSalt WaterBlue Hardtack
Factions Kingdom of WhitecrestNova BalreskaHallengardBlackwind PiratesInyolaPurshovian FederationBurkelandVerner ExpeditionBalresk
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